New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Introducing our first Feature Writer

Posted January 31st, 2013 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

We are delighted to introduce one of our new volunteers Sairah Rehman who has written the first feature in our new website Features pages.   Sairah has recently graduated with an MA in Eighteenth Century Studies from the University of York. She tells us,   “My ...

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The curious came in their hundreds to our Heritage Open Days event!

Posted September 10th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 6 Comments

 What an amazing weekend we have just had at Newman Brothers Coffin Fitting Works.   We welcomed around 450 people into the factory and sunny courtyard over two days as part of the annual Heritage Open Days event. While waiting for tours and looking ...

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Making the Coffin Fitting Works more accessible – for Heritage Open Days 2012

Posted August 13th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

With just under three weeks to go, our Heritage Open Days preparation is well underway! Hannah Severn, one of our volunteers, spent the day with us today – making a start on a photographic display and ‘alternative’ interpretation for visitors who are not ...

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Rehearsal day at Newman Brothers!

Posted July 26th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 2 Comments

Tuesday this week was all about practising and getting things right at the Coffin Fitting Works. Glazier Nick Baylis, a specialist in the restoration of period timber and iron framework from Hockley, was there doing sample trials for repairing the cast iron windows so we can get cost certainty on the ...

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Tender for conservation works – Newman Brother Coffin Fitting Works

Posted July 17th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 1 Comment

NOTICE TO TENDER – deadline 30th July NEWMAN BROTHERS COFFIN FITTING WORKS Fleet Street, Hockley, Birmingham   Expressions of interest are invited from suitable qualified contractors for alteration and repair work to this at risk Grade II* Jewellery Quarter factory. Comprehensive repairs are required to all elements ...

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Planning Heritage Open Days & on the scrounge!

Posted June 26th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

We are busy planning this year’s Heritage Open Days event at the Coffin Fitting Works. Not only are we offering people the opportunity for guided tours around the site, but this year there will be family activities, live music and performance! We ...

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Permission granted! After 15 years we can start the restoration at Newman Brothers.

Posted June 23rd, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 2 Comments

Last week we received the exciting news that we have been granted planning permission and listed building consent for the restoration scheme at Newman Brothers Coffin Fitting Works. What that means is that we can start drawing down Heritage Lottery and English Heritage funding ...

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Flying the flag for the Birmingham Conservation Trust!

Posted June 22nd, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

          Last month BCT volunteers Jackie and Kris were invited as speakers to Rotary House in Droitwich Spa to speak to the Probus Club (retired professional and business persons club) about the work of the Trust. Many of this group have been involved ...

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What do coffin fittings, silverware and pen nibs have in common?

Posted June 19th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 1 Comment

                  Sorry, no punchline… but they do have in common a rich history of manufacturing in the Jewellery Quarter. They are also things that BCT, the Pen Room Museum and English Heritage are keen to share with school groups! I (Suzanne) spent a really interesting couple of hours at ...

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It’s a tale about love. Just how we feel about the Birmingham Coffin Fitting Works!

Posted June 7th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 1 Comment

  Shimmer-Man Productions have shot their new short film called ‘Circles’ at our wonderful Newman Brother’s Factory – inspired by the Tin Box theatre production there ‘Stop the Clocks’ in 2011. Producer Stephanie told us why she chose it as a film set; “It is ...

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