New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Arts & Crafts architecture in Birmingham

Posted January 19th, 2014 by Joe Turner with 5 Comments

When I used to sit in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery sketching William Morris patterns for my Art GCSE coursework, I didn’t quite realise the important role Birmingham played in the ‘Arts and Crafts’ movement. And, in turn, the influence the ...

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The Friday Photo

Posted February 1st, 2013 by Tracey Thorne with No Comments

This week’s Friday photo was taken last Saturday before the snow melted away in Ward End Park. Hard to imagine that it is right by the busy  Washwood Heath Rd. The park is owned by Birmingham City Council and opened as Ward ...

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The Friday Photo

Posted November 30th, 2012 by Tracey Thorne with 3 Comments

For this week’s Friday Photo, we thought that, as Birmingham is looking so Christmassy, we should join in. The Friday Photo was taken in Birmingham Cathedral (1715c) and features the Nativity.  The glass is from one of four windows designed by Edward Burne ...

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