New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Friday Photo – Sellotape

Posted May 31st, 2013 by Tracey Thorne with 2 Comments

This weeks the Friday photo is a bit different – when we think heritage probably don’t think Sellotape?  I saw this great old sellotape tin when visiting J W Evans a few weeks ago and really loved it. Interesting little timeline about the ...

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A Glimpse into the Past – J.W.Evans Silver Factory

Posted May 6th, 2013 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 8 Comments

J.W. Evans Silver Factory in Birmingham’s historic Jewellery Quarter contains over a 100 years of history, a silverware factory founded in 1881 by Jenkin Evans and remained with the Evans family for four generations. Last month myself and other volunteers from BCT were ...

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J. W. Evans Silver Factory in Pictures

Posted April 21st, 2013 by Tracey Thorne with 5 Comments

Last Saturday, Suzanne Carter from BCT arranged a visit for 10 of us to go along and have a tour of J. W. Evans Silver Factory in the Jewellery Quarter. English Heritage in 2008 took over the buildings and have helped preserve ...

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