New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Friday Photo: Stone Carvings on the Moseley Dance Centre

Posted August 22nd, 2014 by Tracey Thorne with 2 Comments

It was really hard this week to find out anything about this weeks the Friday Photo without knowing the old use of this building before it became the Moseley Dance Centre. I have often sat at the traffic lights or walked past ...

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Heritage related things we have found on the web between March 22nd and March 22nd

Posted March 23rd, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

These are our history related links for March 22nd from 22:55 to 23:22: Some will be about Birmingham heritage others wont: Flatpack Festival 2010 – Event – More films about buildings – You can't beat a bit of windswept decay and ...

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