New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Friday Photo: Stirchley Library

Posted September 7th, 2018 by Ellie Gill with No Comments

In honour of yesterday being National Read A Book Day, today’s Friday photo is of Stirchley library.

The building is grade II listed and was designed by architect John P. Osbourne. The land on which it was built in 1905 was gifted by the Cadbury brothers. Its got a neat little façade of red brick with stone dressings, I’ve always particularly loved the font of the ‘Free Library’ stone inscription above the front door. The are lots of interesting late 19th \ early 20th century library buildings in the near by area too, such as the Kings Heath and Kings Norton libraries.

As part of Heritage Open Days 2018, an exhibition is being held at Stirchley Library on Saturday 8th, there is more information about it on the Heritage Open Days website.






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