New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Friday Photo- Peddimore Hall

Posted July 29th, 2016 by Anne-Marie Hayes with No Comments

Peddimore Hall 2I have lived near here nearly all my life but this week was the first time I ventured down to Peddimore Hall in Minworth, Sutton Coldfield. A Scheduled Ancient Monument and Grade II listed building, it’s nestled away in between miles of farm land and located not too far from the A38. The Hall is now a private residence but it was once a locally important manor house. The current brick-built structure has been here since 1659, and the first reference to Peddimore Hall was in 1281. A symbol of status and great wealth, it has a double-moat and to reach the building, you have to drive over a small ‘draw-bridge’. Today it’s original barn and outbuildings envelope the building and nicely frame the manor house. I’ll definitely be back to take a closer look.


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