New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Friday Photo- Digbeth Police Station

Posted January 2nd, 2016 by Anne-Marie Hayes with No Comments

Happy New Year to everybody! For the first Friday Photo of the year, I chose a building in the city that is probably often overlooked. Also, my camera broke last week, so you’re going to have to settle for a good old iPhone photo until it’s repaired!

The hustle and bustle of Digbeth high street. The sounds, the noises, the sights. But wait, the sights? How many of you have actually stopped to notice the beautiful portland-stone facade that is Digbeth Police Station? Located on Alison Street, this impressive building is often overlooked and perhaps not even really noticed by many. Designed by Henry Stigloe in 1911, the station is still in use today, but not much is actually known about its history, so I’d love to hear from anybody who knows a little more. One thing’s for sure, once my camera is repaired, I’m going to take some better photos of this impressive Birmingham building, but for now, Happy New Year to you all and here’s to 2016!

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