Friday Photo- Victoria Square
Victoria Square lies at the heart of Birmingham, and today it acts as a natural meeting space, a place where people gather to chat, eat lunch or just watch the world go by. But did you know that it was once known as Council House Square? No surprise really, when the city’s impressive Council House proudly looks over it, beautifully adorning its borders. Whatever the season, the square is full of life, whether it’s brimming with those familiar wooden huts throughout November and December, or filled with an array of wonderful smells that freely float through the air during the International Food Fair. It’s a space that will forever be Brum and I love it!
When I was at Uni here in the early 90s we used to call this square ‘the nice bit of Birmingham’. This was around the time they were regenerating canals and creating Brindley Place. To be fair, we never left Selly Oak much!