New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Empire Cinema

Posted October 3rd, 2014 by Sarah Hayes with 2 Comments

The Empire Cinema, Sutton Coldfield

CinemaThis week’s Friday Photo is of one of the city’s few remaining Art-Deco buildings, the Empire Cinema (formerly the Odeon) in Sutton Coldfield. Built in 1936, it was designed by Harry Weedon and Cecil Clavering, and is a Grade II listed building. Today it is the only cinema in Sutton Coldfield.

Having watched my first ever film there at the age of six, this building holds many memories for me, and is a fine example of Art-Deco architecture in the Midlands, as well as the rest of the UK for that matter. Standing proudly on the edge of Maney Corner and Birmingham Road, it really is a wonderful building and well worth a visit, even if you don’t fancy any popcorn!

Anne-Marie Hayes

2 Responses to “The Empire Cinema”

  1. Katy October 14, 2014

    Drive past this building every day on the way to work and love it!


  2. Clare October 8, 2014

    Sarah, I saw my first film there, too, Star Wars! I love this cinema. Great shot!


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