New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Inspired by Newmans: winners announced!

Posted December 20th, 2013 by Suzanne Carter with 2 Comments

This year we ran our first open art competition! We were not sure how much interest we would generate, but in the end we had five fabulous people enter artwork; definitely a case of quality over quantity.

We have picked 3 winners and two runners up and all their artwork will be available to see on the graphics panel that will be going up on the front range of the Coffin Works some time in January until we open The Coffin Works.

The entries were judged by Sarah Millin, Jane Arthur and Andy Garbi. For judge biographies please click here. The panel was asked to judge by 1) creativity and 2) how the artwork captures the history and/or architecture and ‘spirit’ of Newman Brothers.

Please click here to visit the art competition webpages, to see larger images, the judges comments, and the artist’s descriptions of their own work.

Here are the incredible pieces of artwork … Inspired by Newman Brothers.

Jamilia Walker

Winner Jamilia Walker

ELIZABETH FORREST Memories of the Casting Shop1  jpg

Winner Elizabeth Forrest

Lisa Zdravkovic

Winner Lisa Zdravkovic

Raj Hundal

Runner Up Raj Hundal


Laura Hickman

Runner Up Laura Hickman





































As part of the ‘Inspired by Newman Brothers’ project, we worked with artist Sarah Millin and year 3 pupils from Nelson Primary School in Ladywood.












Inspired by the coffin handle designs from the trade catalogues and original stock, the children each made two different types of handles. This image below is not the final artwork which will hang in the Education Space at the factory, but shows what brilliant work they produced during their workshop.


They are looking forward to being ‘famous’ as this image will also be on the display panel.

coffin handles nelson primary







2 Responses to “Inspired by Newmans: winners announced!”

  1. claire January 5, 2014

    As the teacher of the class that made the coffin handles, I would like to say how inspired the children were, and how much they are looking forward to seeing their work in the building in the future. What a fantastic opportunity you gave them !!


    • Suzanne Carter January 5, 2014

      We always enjoy working with you Claire – looking forward to showing your year 8s round the factory; be good for them to follow the progress after they saw the place pre-restoration! Thanks for your continual support of our project. Suze


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