Inspired by Newmans! Open Art Competition 2013
Many of our visitors to the Newman Brothers factory at the Coffin Works over the last few years have come away inspired by 100 years of social, industrial and architectural history. I wonder if anyone has taken pen or paintbrush to paper when they got home? We’d love to hear from you if you have! Why not do it now?
We are delighted to launch our very first Open Art Competition. The entries will be judged by a panel on their creativity and how they capture the history and /or architecture and ‘spirit’ of Newman Brothers.
Winning entries, cross three age categories, will be printed on the external factory site boards in Fleet Street from January 2014 until the factory attraction re-opens in summer 2014 (and hung in gallery space inside upon opening).
Details HERE about how to enter, along with a photo gallery, historical information and quotes from the Newman’s oral history archive to inspire you if you have not visited the factory in person.