New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Coffin Works Latest: Don’t miss the talk!

Posted September 18th, 2013 by Suzanne Carter with 2 Comments

On Tuesday 1st October  Birmingham Conservation Trust Director Simon Buteux will be giving a talk on the latest developments at the Coffin Works.DSC00250

The talk, entitled “A mercantile Marie Celeste”, will be take place at the Birmingham and Midland Institute on Margaret Street at 7pm.  It is the first lecture in the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society’s 2013/14 lecture series.  In a richly illustrated lecture, Simon will sketch the archaeology and history of the Newman Brothers coffin fittings works, an extraordinary survival in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter.  Here was made the coffin furniture that graced the coffins of Joseph Chamberlain, Winston Churchill and even Princess Diana.  Simon will also describe progress with the repair and conservation of the factory, and the work being done to create the exciting new ‘heritage attraction’ that will open next summer.

All are welcome, although there will be a small charge for non-members of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society (but why not join and catch the rest of the lecture series – it is well worth it!).

2 Responses to “Coffin Works Latest: Don’t miss the talk!”

  1. Helen Baws September 30, 2013

    Jewellery Quarter dereliction:
    Good to see the Birmingham Conservation Trust spearheading the restoration of Newman Brothers factory, and the Trust has already restored houses in Great Hampton Street on the fringe of the JQ.
    But there remains a shocking amount of dereliction in the JQ, particularly smaller, early, and still important buildings that are at risk and being left to rot by private owners.
    Is the BCT doing anything to address this?


  2. Tony Fox, Cannon Hill Park Friends September 30, 2013

    Looking forward to the talk tomorrow at BMI Margaret st 7.00pm


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