New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Protect our Place: Civic Voice nationwide survey

Posted September 24th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

Civic Voice (an Alliance member) has just launched a new research project Protect our Place funded by English Heritage whose overall aim is to understand better the range and types of community action across England that protect and promote the historic environment.

The project features a nationwide survey and will engage with a wide spectrum of groups from civic societies and heritage organisations to resident associations and development groups. Individuals or community groups who volunteer to protect or promote their local heritage are invited to use the interactive website to discover projects across the country, as well as, literally, put their own ‘on the map’.

Civic Voice wants to hear from as many and as wide a range of community groups as possible to ensure the research truly reflects the great work under way.


For further information please visit Protect our Place or email the project manager,


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