New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

A history of children’s lives in Birmingham – exhibition and two blogs.

Posted April 30th, 2012 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

You might know that there’s an exhibition on children’s lives in Birmingham since the 18th century at the Gas Hall at the moment (go here for opening hours and prices).

You might have missed a couple of blogs worth checking, one from the project team and one from some children who worked with them

describes itself as:

Children’s Lives, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, will be the first major project in Birmingham and the West Midlands to consider children’s lived experiences from the 18th century to the present day. The project will draw on the designated and nationally acclaimed collections of archives, artefacts, oral histories and film material relating to the lives of children in the past held by Birmingham Archives & Heritage, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery and the Media Archive of Central England.

Find out more about opening times and admission prices here:

This blog will provide updates on the project as well as showing some of the fascinating material held by Birmingham Archives and Heritage.

whilst says:

Year 8 pupils from  Four Dwellings High School and Waverley School will participate in the project.

The project team at Archives & Heritage

The involvement of young people in the project will be run by Izzy Mohammed and Nikki Thorpe, Outreach & Learning officers at Birmingham Archives & Heritage.

Dr Nicola Gauld and Brigitte Winsor at Birmingham Archives & Heritage will manage the website and blog.

Have a read and comment if you like!




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