New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Heritage related things we have found on the web on April 1st

Posted April 1st, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

These are our history related links for April 1st from 09:08 to 11:22: Some will be about Birmingham heritage others wont:

2 Responses to “Heritage related things we have found on the web on April 1st”

  1. Nick Booth April 1, 2010

    Thank you – good stuff whether you or the very talented Carl.


  2. Nicky Getgood April 1, 2010

    Hi there

    Just wanted to flag the 1944 diary post on DiG was actually co-author Carl’s rather than mine. Wish I could take credit for it as it’s a gem, but I can’t! 🙂

    Ta v much for the linky!



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