Save Britain’s Heritage
From time to time we like to point you in the direction of other organisations which work in the same field as us. is the website of Save Britain’s Heritage, an organisation established in 1975:
European Architectural Heritage Year – by a group of journalists, historians, architects, and planners to campaign publicly for endangered historic buildings. Through press releases, lightening leaflets, reports, books and exhibitions, SAVE has championed the cause of decaying country houses, redundant churches and chapels, disused mills and warehouses, blighted streets and neighbourhoods, cottages and town halls, railway stations, hospitals, military buildings and asylums.
Once a month they highlight a building at risk to help find a new use or owners. The one for November is pictured above:
After almost 100 years of neglect, Piercefield stands in a ruinous state, the roof completely destroyed. Yet significant suggestions of its former grandeur remain. The principal elevation built in bath stone is classically proportioned and detailed, 5 bays are divided by ionic pilasters, this dramatic scene stands against a rural backdrop. To either side delicate pavilions with Doric columns balance the composition.
Occasionally Save Britain’s Heritage will take on a project itself such as Castle House in Bridgwater in Somerset.
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