New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Birmingham Post reports the plight of Newman Brothers.

Posted September 16th, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments
Newman Brothers by Brian Simpson on flcikr, click on the image for the original

Newman Brothers by Brian Simpson on flickr, click on the image for the original

As our effort to encourage AWM to think afresh about it’s commitment to the Coffin Works the Birmingham Post reports what’s going on:

Birmingham Conservation Trust, which has been working with AWM on the project, has launched a campaign to make the agency change its mind.

The trust’s director, Elizabeth Perkins, pointed out that AWM had already spent more than £750,000 buying the Victorian building in Fleet Street, along with stock including tools for making coffins and funeral artefacts.

She also revealed that the agency’s decision to cancel the grant is likely to leave the trust out of pocket.

“We have so far only received a small proportion of our fees for the last six years of work on AWM’s behalf,” she said.

“Most of our income is drawn at the end of a project. If our partner pulls out of the project it leaves us without the income.

“In effect the trust has used up several years worth of financial reserves helping AWM progress this project.

A decision by regional development agency Advantage West Midlands to cancel funding leaves the derelict Grade 11* listed Newman Brothers building in the Jewellery Quarter with an uncertain future.

For more see here and here. Thank you.

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