Wonderful photos of the coffin works from the Birmingham Flickr meet.
On Friday September 11th about 15 people from the Birmingham Flickr Group had a chance to wander around Newman Brothers. Above are many of the remarkable images they took. (To see the slideshow in full screen click here)
Unfortunately the Coffin Works project has ground to a halt. At the moment we’re encouraging people to write to Advantage West Midlands, the owners of the building, and ask them to reconsider their decision to withdraw funding. If you’re interested in why and how please follow this link.
What else can you do?
You can donate. Doing so online is very easy with our page on Justgiving. You can send donation to the Birmingham Conservation Trust at address linked to here.
You can even buy every day things through the website linked to here. Up to 8% of what you spend goes to the Birmingham Conservation Trust
Thank you.