New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

In case of Emergency…. The end of the Coffin Works Project

Posted September 12th, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 7 Comments

This week we are confirming that Advantage West Midlands has withdrawn funding from the project to transform the Newman Brothers Coffin Fittings Factory in Fleet Street.  It means that this Grade II* building on the at risk register is likely to remain empty and unused, it is also unclear what will happen to the historically significant contents.

It’s not the first time this news has come out, but this is the first time the Birmingham Conservation Trust has said anything publicly.

Why have we waited?

We still want to see if AWM can come through with an alternative and to that end we have written to them saying we are willing to work with them until the end of October.  If there’s no concrete agreement after that we will need to walk away from the building, leaving it  in the hands of AWM, who own the place.

What you can do.

Newman Brothers from dianAuk on flickr

Newman Brothers from dianAuk on flickr

Please write to AWM, ask them to reconsider, ask them what they intend to do with the building, query whether this decision was a mistake. If you follow this link and scroll down a bit you’ll find contact details, including some simple to use websites which also make it easy to write to your MP.

There are also some key facts about Newman Brothers which may help you.

The image above is from Genesis4626 taken at the Birmingham Flickr group tour of Newmans on September 11th 2009.

7 Responses to “In case of Emergency…. The end of the Coffin Works Project”

  1. Newman Brothers coffin fitters, Birmingham - Midlands Heritage Forum March 4, 2010

    […] a photo shoot was arranged. A couple of my shots were used on the Advantage West Midlands site. The end for the Coffin Works Project? | Birmingham Conservation Trust Coffin Works Birmingham and Advantage West Midlands | Birmingham Conservation Trust The […]


  2. while i’m free « Rather Lovely September 20, 2009

    […] I volunteer for Birmingham Conservation Trust, which is a lovely little charity taking an interest in the conservation of historic buildings in the Birmingham area. I haven’t yet had a particularly active role in the trust, but I hope to become more involved in the future. Unfortunately, one of their projects, the Newman Brothers Coffin Works, in which I was partially involved, has been denied funding by its owner, Advantage West Midlands. This is a shame because it means funding can’t be found from other sources (because AWM own it), and the longer it takes, the further into disrepair the building falls. If you’re interested in supporting the trust, particularly their effort to obtain funding for the Coffin Works, here is some information on how you can help. […]


  3. 7 Inch Cinema » Newman Brothers Coffin Works September 15, 2009

    […] now looks a lot further off since Advantage West Midlands pulled out of the project. There’s more info here if you wish to voice your support, and some great images in this flickr group. Filed under: […]


  4. Steven Tuck September 12, 2009

    Wonderfully evocative photos of a beautiful building.


    • Nick Booth September 12, 2009

      Thanks Steven, if you subscribe we should have some more quite remarkable images up here soon.


  5. Neil Lewis September 12, 2009

    A great walk around in what should be a wonderfully restored visitors attraction in amongst such ugly new new high-rises. What a great place, and a real shame if things end here now. It would be a tragedy to see this go the same way as many of the jewelery quarter buildings that I have been in.


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