New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Campaign for Real Heritage

Posted March 4th, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

Is the heritage we celebrate sometimes too wrapped up in what we think of as ‘important’ history? Jon Bounds thinks so and has launched the Campaign for Real Heritage.  This is what he says:

Are you fed up with “officials” deciding what’s important? Do you wish that history wasn’t just written by the winners?

The losers, the outsiders, the real people have history too. It deserves recognition, YOUR history deserves a blue plaque.

Campaign for real heritage

So now it can have one, the Campaign for Real Heritage will place a plaque anywhere, commemorating any event you like. Just get a sticker, fill in the gap, and stick (with permission, obviously).

Stickers available to buy here. They come in ones, tens and fifties — depends how much history you wish to create.

When you’ve made history, have a ceremony, take a photo. Place it here.

What would you put on your sticker?  Thoughts below please.

2 Responses to “Campaign for Real Heritage”

  1. Nick Booth March 4, 2009

    That’s one way of approaching this.

    Which bits of Birmingham’s more modest heritage would you like us to find a ways of marking/celebrating?


  2. Andy Mabbett March 4, 2009

    “With permission”? Yeah, right. And nobody ever drops litter with “please dispose of this wrapper responsibly” on it, either.


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