New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Stonehenge home to the neolithic rave?

Posted January 5th, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments
Stonhenge at the summer solstice courtesy of Whimsical Chris

Stonehenge at the chill of the winter solstice courtesy of Whimsical Chris

I know our job here is to report sensible news about heritage in Bimringham, but some stories can’t be resisted. The Telegraph tells us that it was really designed as a venue for trance music:

academic Rupert Till believes he has solved the riddle by suggesting it may have been used for ancient raves.

Mr Till, an expert in acoustics and music technology at Huddersfield University, West Yorks., believes the standing stones had the ideal acoustics to amplify a “repetitive trance rhythm”.

The original Stonehenge probably had a “very pleasant, almost concert-like acoustic” that our ancestors slowly perfected over many generations

Because Stonehenge itself is partially collapsed, Dr Till, from York, North Yorks., used a computer model to conduct experiments in sound.

Thanks to Andy for alerting us to the story.

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