Just Look Up
How often do you just look up? Fiona Handscomb writes on her Birmingham Post blog:
I began a kind of dislocated-neck walking tour of the city centre and, since, have started taking a craned neck approach everywhere I go. Yes, I have bumped into a few disgruntled pavement-dwellers and yes, I probably now need physiotherapy, but my eyes are having a marvellous time – spotting e.g. gargoyles in Moseley and tree-tops growing surreally out of warehouse windows in Digbeth.
Seriously, just try it. All the beautiful stuff goes on above our heads.
It has changed her view of Birmingham from a “grey suburban sprawl” to a thing of beauty. Which is exactly how illustrator I heart Joan also sees her home city:
Wonderful image and geat advice. So do you look up? If so and you have any more images inspired by this please tag them Birminghamct or leave us a comment with a link. Thanks to Chris Unitt for spotting this one.
i heart joan December 5, 2008
Birmingham is beautiful, and I didn’t realise for the longest time, until I started to notice all the amazing buildings that at ground level are just shop frontages and glass nightmares.
There’s some amazing architecture in Birmingham (and as yet, no mugging for me!) xx
Danny Smith December 4, 2008
only tourist look up, i’m suprised you wasn’t mugged