New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Would Birmingham City Council demolish a listed building.

Posted April 9th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

Birmingham Central Library Photo by Martin Hartaland hartlandmartin on flickr

A surprising piece by Paul Dale on the Birmingham Post blog (link here) about how the council views the possibility of the current Central Library (above) being listed. It seems Clive Dutton the director of regeneration would demolish it regardless of whether it was listed or not.
Paul Dale reports…

An interesting intervention from city council regeneration director Clive Dutton when addressing a meeting of the seven architects shortlisted for the £193 million Birmingham library project.
….Dutton rose to put all those present straight over the matter of the Central Library in Paradise Forum.
The 1970s building would be demolished come what may, even if campaigners succeed in having it listed, Dutton said. “Whether or not that building is listed it will come down,” he added for good measure.
…Whatever he says publicly, Dutton cannot know for certain that the council would succeed in obtaining permission to demolish the library if the building is listed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
If we rule out the likelihood of a midnight raid by bulldozers, with Dutton at the head of the demolition crews, the best that the council could do would be to ask the DCMS for permission to flatten the building.

Photo Credit: Martin Hartland

2 Responses to “Would Birmingham City Council demolish a listed building.”

  1. Lewis Lucas September 14, 2009

    The Central Library must be saved. The proposed replacement is awful.


  2. Jon Bounds April 9, 2008

    I have do doubt they would, where’s the media profile or private partnerships in looking after a building that isn’t obviously a candidate for “conservation”?

    I like it.


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