New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Is Stonehenge one of the new 7 Wonders?

Posted June 17th, 2007 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

Stonhenge on a Frosty Morning. From Sleep-less on Flickr

English Heritage is urging us all to vote for Stonehenge in a global competition to define the new 7 Wonders of the World. The pyramids have been put through automatically, leaving 21 contenders including the Stature of Liberty and Sydney Opera House.

Voting closes next month and Bernard Webber, the man organising the whole shebang, said this of his visit to Britain:

If only the cars and trucks weren’t there to disturb the silence deserved by this very old, in fact the oldest monument on the 21 finalists list. It was built by humans almost 5,000 years ago, before iron was invented and most probably before they even had the wheel to transport those huge blocks (some weigh over 50 tons) many, many miles…This takes me to the limit of my imagination. It is Stonehenge’s simplicity, reduction to the minimum that is so impressive and inspiring.

Photo from Sleep-Less in Flickr.

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