New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Some links for June 16th through to June 19th

Posted June 19th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

These are our links for June 16th through June 19th: wg/archaeology – Open Knowledge Foundation Wiki – Working Group on Open Data in Archaeology Open Knowledge Foundation Blog » Blog Archive » Dig the new breed, Part II – open archaeology and ethics ...

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Some links for February 14th through to February 16th

Posted February 16th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

These are our links for February 14th through February 16th: National Trust | 2010 & beyond – “This strategy means nothing less than a cultural revolution for the Trust. It demands a new mindset and a new way of working.” The Cadbury legacy ...

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Heritage related things we have found on the web on February 13th.

Posted February 13th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 4 Comments

These are our links for February 13th: The Georgian Group: ‘Free February’ on Twitter – The Georgian Group is saying thank you to its followers on Twitter by offering a year’s free membership of the Group to all those who follow it in ...

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Ethical Xmas?

Posted December 14th, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

If you like to support charity when buying Christmas gifts here are some ideas: For starters every time you use this we get a donation with each thing you buy. (Have a look here for a full list of traders and ...

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Growing numbers of you volunteer for heritage in the West Midlands

Posted October 30th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

Volunteers, staff and contractors worked together on the huge and detailed job of cataloguing the contents of Newman Bros Every year Engish Heritage publishes a regional and national survey of the state of our heritage and today Heritage Counts 2008 (link to a ...

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Could you reach out from the Back to Backs?

Posted May 15th, 2007 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

The National Trust is looking for two new people to help them reach members of BME communities in the West Midlands. The four year “Whose Story” project will include work to involve a wider range of communities in contributing to ...

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