New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Moseley School of Art is one of of the 10 most endangered Victorian Buildings in England and Wales

Posted October 11th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 10 Comments

The BBC reports today that the Former Moseley School of Art is on the Victorian Societies list of the 10 most endangered Victorian buildings in England and Wales. The BBC says: The list of 10 was drawn up using nominations from members of the ...

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The surprising Ms Getgood and Grade II listing.

Posted August 25th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

98 Moseley Road - Grade II Listed. Click picture for the original image by getgod on flickr. It’s interesting what draws someone’s attention to old buildings. For Nicky Getgood – the local blogger for Digbeth – it was a fire which killed ...

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