New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Golden Square

Posted June 22nd, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Golden Square fly-through from Andy Hartwell on Vimeo. ‘The Golden Square’ is one of the first projects in the Big City Plan which aims to transform the city centre in the coming years. The new public square will be located in the Jewellery ...

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The Heartlands Ring – Strengthening Birmingham’s Communities and Heritage

Posted May 28th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

The canal network is a legacy of Britain’s past and provides a unique insight into our industrial and social history. The built environment of the waterways which have evolved over hundred of years represents a unique working heritage which is part of ...

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Lost Buildings of Birmingham by Roy Thornton

Posted March 23rd, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 3 Comments

Click above to view this title on Amazon I was able to go to The Victorian Society‘s Saving a Century exhibition at the Central Library just before it moved on to the next city. It was completely engrossing with some fantastic photography and stories both dispiriting ...

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Planning Approval Granted for Newman Brothers’ Coffin Works

Posted October 16th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Heather Broadbent of AWM with our Director Elizabeth Perkins outside Newman Bros. on Fleet Street We have just heard some great news: our project at Newman Brothers has been granted planning approval. Above you see Heather Broadbent of AWM with our director Elizabeth ...

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Birmingham’s Retort House to become a base for homeless people.

Posted September 28th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

Gas Retort House, image from wikipedia. Earlier this month the homeless charity Crisis reported that they have secured a two million pound investment from the Department of Communities and Local Government to help turn the Grade II* former Retort House in Gas Street ...

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